Posted February 21, 2013 by Samantha Alexander in Fashion

Celtic Rock inspires style at House of Blues’ 20th Anniversary


his past Saturday was a BIG deal for House of Blues. Not only did they celebrate their 20th anniversary (congratulations guys!) they also hosted one of the best concerts you could ever hope to attend: Flogging Molly’s 9th annual Green 17 tour with special guess Dave Haus and Skinny Lister, which sold out two months prior to the actual show. So like I said, Saturday was BIG.

Flogging Molly shows are down right amazing and last Saturday was no exception. For the past 11+ years the band has been earning a loyal and enthusiastic fan base with their Celtic Rock style and songs of Irish pride that incite their fans into fist pumping, hand clapping, jig dancing fits of joy. With the help of Dave Haus and Skinny Lister the Green 17 Tour gave Dallas one of the best times it’s had in 2013.

While having a blast at the show, partaking in a drink and dancing a silly jig or two, I also loved seeing all the different ways Flogging Molly’s Celtic influence came through in people’s outfits. Boots, plaid, kilts (yay kilts!) and all imaginable types of green clothing were present in abundance both on stage and in the crowd.

Here’s a little overview of some my favorite points of style from the Green 17 Tour.

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Flogging Molly, HOB 2/16/13

This was a popular look among the all the boys/men/gentlemen of the crowd.  A nice fitted vest paired with a button up and scally cap that can either be dressed up or down depending on what boots you feel like wearing. You can also go that extra mile and go for the fitted jacket; always a nice gentlemanly touch.

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This lovely lady is Lorna Thomas of Skinny Lister. It was wonderful to watch her sing and frolic back and forth on stage as her band mates pounded out folk-inspired tunes that left the crowd yelling for more. Her fun and sassy attitude perfectly matched her pastoral inspired floral dress and girlish Mary Janes with just bit of heel. I wanted everything she was wearing, especially those shoes.

What’s that sound? That’s the sound of thousands of booted feet stomping, walking and running around. Boots are a staple at Flogging Molly concerts, probably because they’re the best way to keep your feet from getting smashed by all the crazy drunk people trying to crowd surf.

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Skinny Lister, HOB 2/16/13

With all the Irish/Celtic pride in the air, a few crazy green outfits are to be expected, and while it wasn’t quite like being at a St.Patricks Day Parade, you saw enough green to know that people were really proud to be Irish, even if they were only Irish for that one night.


Now on to one of my favorite symbols of Celtic pride, the Kilt! No Flogging Molly show would be complete without at least one kilt sighting. There’s just something about a kilt that makes a guy look like a BAMF, and I can’t quite explain what it is.

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If you were at House of Blues during the Green 17 concert but you weren’t able to check out the main show, Cleghorn (pictured above) were giving you your Celtic rock fix up in the Foundation Room.

While I hadn’t planned on it, being at the Flogging Molly show gave me some unexpected style inspiration. I’m eager to see what happens when I pair my summer dress with a scally cap and a pair of boots; fashion win or lose? We’ll just have to see.


{Head to Flickr for more photos from Flogging Molly}








Samantha Alexander

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Samantha Alexander is employed by YouPlus Media, and is a contributing author for YouPlusStyle. She also works as a freelance model at various Dallas fashion events as well as with local photographers on fashion-inspired projects.